Fine rays of sunlight pierce through the deep foliage of this tropical jungle. We can almost hear the birds chirping, the light breeze moving the trees - some humid sounds of random animals calling out for their mates.

The jungle, in this case, becomes a metaphor for a place of safety that can both protect us and also bring us joy. In the thick Jungle the foliage becomes so dense and incredibly harmonious.

A small stream has formed into a fresh-water lake and reflects the sunlight's' warming rays.

This work of zen and skillful mastery is made as a charcoal drawing - this technique allowed the artist to reach deep black hues as well as smooth intermediate tonalities of light. The work is framed in a light-brown wooden frame.

Tropical Dream

115x95cm / 45.2x37.4 in, charcoal on paper, 2022, framed under glass Sale price Price Regular price Unit price  per 

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